Concerning the title

More than a handful of quotable people were, well, quoted, among the hours of various orientations in the past week.  A few stuck out.

As much as I despise the Packers, Green Bay is wonderful place to visit. And I respect Vince Lombardi’s words.  From an MU professor, concerning sleep habits, via Lombardi: “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.”

The title of my blog comes from a philosophy of the comm school dean at Boston University.  I find his words (from a 2009 NYT article) extremely relevant to the atmosphere today’s blooming journalists face. So did the MU professor who quoted Tom Fiedler.

“It’s the soup and not the bowl that provides the nourishment we need….We want to teach our students to make a great soup.  What they serve it in matters little.”


McLuhan may have been correct to some extent, and the medium may still be part of the message.  But the message better be damn good to survive, let alone be noticed in any significant capacity, in today’s content-saturated world.

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